Guidelines for Visiting during COVID-19 Pandemic
- When you arrive at Orchard Heights, please proceed left to the main lobby with your mask (when required) to be screened.
- Screening includes a short questionnaire, non-touch temperature check and hand sanitation. If you are experiencing cold symptoms, fever, or other COVID symptoms, please refrain from visiting.
- Children under the age of 18 are permitted with the supervision of an adult.
- Group visits of up to 10 people are permitted by reservation. Please call reception to reserve a common area for group gatherings. Visitors are prohibited from entering the Main Dining Room at this time.
- Facial covering must be worn by visitors, employees, and volunteers when inside the buildings of Orchard Heights. Although masks are not required in many places throughout our community, as a healthcare facility, they are still required when Erie County’s Transmission Level is “High” according to Department of Health guidelines.
- We encourage visitors to maintain social distancing whenever possible. Please wash your hands and use sanitizer at the beginning of your visit.
- If you have tested positive for COVID or been exposed to COVID in the last 10 days, please refrain from visiting. If you or another loved one has exposed a resident to COVID, please notify Orchard Heights right away so we can closely monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID and help prevent the spread of COVID among our residents and staff.
If OH has COVID positive cases among residents and/or staff, the following restrictions will apply:
- Residents who test positive for COVID will be in isolation for a period determined by current DOH guidelines and are not permitted to have in-person visits. Accommodations can be made for FaceTime visits for 10 days post-positive test. Compassionate care visits will be allowed as outlined by federal policy.
- If any resident or group of residents are on quarantine to help prevent the spread of COVID, our Recreation Director is available to schedule and facilitate a FaceTime visit in lieu of an in-person visit.
Thank you for your continued support through this difficult time. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to seeing you soon. For any additional assistance please call 716-662-0651.